
战斗学院》(Battle Academy)是一款充满动作的战术战略游戏,在游戏中,您需要指挥一组精选的部队,带领他们在第二次世界大战的多条战线上进行战斗。作为指挥官,您必须采用现实世界中的联合兵种战术,以确保取得胜利。这意味着您必须埋伏在敌军后方,出其不意地打击他们,使用火力压制,包抄敌军装甲部队以达到最佳效果,必要时还需要突击敌军以清除据点。在某些情况下,您还可以使用地图外的强大炮火和空中支援,以削弱敌人的防御,甚至阻止敌人的进攻。与此同时,您还必须密切关注己方部队的士气,并利用侦察部队发现敌方的伏击或侧翼攻击。

Battle Academy Instruções de ativação

Battle Academy Análises e Classificações

Review by PC PowerPlay

Overall, it just feels too casual, too cartoony. On a tablet that can be forgiven, but as a PC game it seems more than a little limiting.

Review by Boney_N [user]

Quite interesting tactical turn based game with lots of different mission objectives. Combat and results seem quite realistic, e.g. shellsQuite interesting tactical turn based game with lots of different mission objectives. Combat and results seem quite realistic, e.g. shells bouncing off armour depending on angle, and there's also a variety of vehicles that are seldomly found in other games. I also liked the comic book storytelling in between missions.

Review by vangomaextreme [user]

This is a great little game. It is one of those games that finally allowed me an access point to all those RTS titles I have in my SteamThis is a great little game. It is one of those games that finally allowed me an access point to all those RTS titles I have in my Steam library. At last a game that teaches you strategy while steadily amping up the difficulty level. The graphics are surprisingly detailed yet fun at the same time. There is a huge variety of missions especially if you get the complete pack. There is enough complexity to also keep more experienced wargamers interested. I was really surprised at how good this game is. My only negative would be the rather steep price especially for the complete game, given the fact that for all intents and purposes it is a souped up Ipad port. However it is done really well and if you are willing to shell out you won't be disappointed and are in for hours of replayable fun!

Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 2014年3月3日
Editor Slitherine Ltd.
Conteúdo Classificado E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modos de jogo Multiplayer, Jogador único
Géneros Estratégia
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows)