Desert Child

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Review by grihajedy [user]
2022 m. gegužės 11 d.

Игра не может состоять из одной лишь музыкиУвы, но основной "гоночный" геймплей состоит из пары примитивных механик, и повторять 50 раз одниИгра не может состоять из одной лишь музыкиУвы, но основной "гоночный" геймплей состоит из пары примитивных механик, и повторять 50 раз одни и теже гонки невыносимо трудно, я прошёл игру с нескольких заходов, сюжета тут также никакого нет, вам просто надо накопить 10к $, благо если класть всё в банк, то копится всё достаточно быстро, сумел пройти за 3,5 часа, а казалось, что играю уже часов 6.Между 1-минутными гонками у нас тут небольшой симулятор выживания, вам надо ходить, покупать еду, чинить байк, можно прокачивать его (но эти апгрейды ничего существенного не дают), можно попытаться как-то ещё заработать деньги, взяв гонку на убийство оппонента или развоз пиццы. "Киберпанковский" пиксельный город сделан более менее.Эту игру спокойно рефандите, даже в финале будет просто 3 обычные гонки и титры, а вот соундтрек у игры действительно необычный, хоть и "не дожатый", ну неудивительно, идейно то игра мало из себя что-то представляет, просто талантливый композитор решил ну напишу чёт прикольное, и сделаю максимально простую игру под это, ну чёт получится, для "чилла" сойдёт, купите лучше соундтрек отдельно)Подписывайтесь на Кураторство в Steam: game cannot consist of music alone.Alas, the main "racing" gameplay consists of a couple of primitive mechanics, and repeating the same races 50 times is unbearably difficult, I completed the game with multiple runs, there is also no plot, you just need to save up 10k $, relief - if you put everything in the bank, then $ is accumulating quite quickly, I managed to pass the game in 3.5 hours, but it felt like I had been playing for 6 hours already.Between 1-minute races we have a small survival simulator here, you have to walk, buy food, fix the bike, you can upgrade it (but these upgrades do not give anything significant), you can try to earn money somehow differently, by taking the race to kill the opponent or delivery of pizza. "Cyberpunk" pixel city is made ok.Refund this game calmly, even in the final there will be just 3 ordinary races and credits, but the game’s soundtrack is really unusual, although it’s not “perfected”, well, it’s not surprising, the game has no idea, just a talented composer decided, well I’ll write something nice, and I’ll make the most simple game for it, well, something will come of it, such a "chill-game", better buy the soundtrack separately)Subscribe on my Steam Curators page:

Review by Xzenor [user]
2020 m. kovo 4 d.

No.. just no. I hate it.. it's just not fun. The races are the worst and it appears that that is one major part of the game so no. Not my typeNo.. just no. I hate it.. it's just not fun. The races are the worst and it appears that that is one major part of the game so no. Not my type of game. It also looks terrible which makes it even less fun to play for me.I don't understand where all the positive steam-reviews come from.

Review by CD-Action
2019 m. kovo 25 d.

This relaxing arcade game with some light micromanagement gave me the joy of figuring out its mechanics by myself and kept me blissfully stuck in the “one more race syndrome”.

Review by The Indie Game Website
2019 m. sausio 13 d.

A decent little game, tightly designed with some laughs along the way, as well as offering really good audio and visual design. However, it does fall down under more prolonged scrutiny, with undercooked world-building and a tendency to push you towards grinding out money by means of repetition meaning that some may lose interest before reaching the finale.

Review by The Overpowered Noobs
2019 m. sausio 9 d.

Desert Child attempts to capitalize on nostalgia with a mish-mash of references from different decades. There are some mildly funny moments, but other than that it’s a side-scrolling shooter dressed up in a cyberpunk motif.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 2018 m. gruodžio 11 d.
Editor Oscar Brittain, Akupara Games
Conteúdo Classificado M (Mature)
Modos de jogo Jogador único, Multiplayer, Cooperativa, Tela dividida
Perspectivas do jogador Vista lateral
Géneros Aventura, Role-playing (RPG), Atirador, Indie, Simulador, Arcada, Corrida
Temas Ação, ficção científica
Plataformas Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch