
Conhece alguém que possa ser como este jogo?


La última historia de amor del planeta contada con todo el poder del aclamado estilo ilustrativo de Minori, sus atractivas composiciones musicales y el personal de gran talento que ha hecho que los fans vuelvan siempre a por más.


La última historia de amor en un planeta moribundo.
En un futuro cercano, una ominosa estrella roja aparece de repente en el cielo. Su presencia está a punto de provocar la extinción de toda la vida en la Tierra. El gobierno unificado propone un proyecto de evacuación para llevar a toda la humanidad al espacio, pero para hacer realidad el aparentemente imposible proyecto, se trae al mundo a los "felixes". Diseñados para ser altamente inteligentes, con juventud y longevidad perpetuas, los felixes sobrehumanos modificados genéticamente se erigen como la única esperanza de supervivencia de la humanidad.

Sion, el más dotado de los félix, lleva cien años recluido en un centro de investigación construido en una isla solitaria. Su único propósito, salvar a toda la humanidad. Ryou Haruna, un soldado del gobierno unificado de la Tierra, es enviado para vigilar a Sion, que busca desesperadamente liberarse de los militares que la tienen prisionera. La última historia de amor de la Tierra está a punto de comenzar.

Eden* Instruções de ativação

Eden* Análises e Classificações

Review by maranTana [user]
26 de mayo de 2018

One of the most beautiful VN stories I know. Period.For me it's very rare to sit down and finish something in one big session. With thisOne of the most beautiful VN stories I know. Period.For me it's very rare to sit down and finish something in one big session. With this story, which took me about 16 hours, it was different. I listened to it/read it in one take, finishing it 5.a.m.All dialogues are narrated by very good Japanese voice actors. The text between, you have to read.The scenery is painted very beautifully and the characters are by no way stereotypical like in many Japanese vn's.Towards the end the story gets increasingly sad and has an emotionally devastating end that nevertheless also gives a shimmer of hopefulness.Depending on where you buy eden* also contains 4 bonus episodes meant to watch/listen after finishing the main story. Those take about 75 minutes each and contain tasteful porn (japan-censored) but still are cute stories staying in character within the frame of the main vn.I can't recommend it enough.

Review by Lord_Drewno [user]
2 de diciembre de 2015

Yep, it's worth 10/10. Very solid visual novel. You have no choices, there is only story, which is read with erfect style and emotions byYep, it's worth 10/10. Very solid visual novel. You have no choices, there is only story, which is read with erfect style and emotions by actors. Only story... But the quality of this story deserve for reading this VN. It's beutiful and heart-touching. Reading it takes me more than 11 hours, but I am lerning English, not using it everyday ;-)

Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 18 de septiembre de 2009
Editor MangaGamer, Minori
Avaliação Total 81%
Conteúdo Classificado M (Mature)
Modos de jogo Jogador único
Géneros Aventura, Novela Visual
Temas Romance, ficção científica
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows)