F1 2018


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FAZER CABEÇAS em F1® 2018. F1 2018 é o videogame oficial da FIA FORMULA 2018 ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™. O novo jogo mergulha os jogadores no mundo da Fórmula 1® mais do que nunca.

F1 2018 Instruções de ativação

F1 2018 Análises e Classificações

Review by PrdPak [user]
April 19, 2021

Like I don't want to rate it 8/10, it deserves higher, but the number of issues I have with this game is insane. So I'll vent about theLike I don't want to rate it 8/10, it deserves higher, but the number of issues I have with this game is insane. So I'll vent about the negatives first and then the positives.The graphics, look unimpressive for something made in 2018, even on Ultra settings, they don't look appealing at all. If logic works, you would expect the graphics to look good on Ultra at the expense of FPS, but no, the graphics look almost exactly the same as High but the game drops about 50% of the frames.My rig runs the game just fine at Ultra settings, I'd be getting around 55-60 FPS in-game, but as soon as I alt-tabbed out of the game to do something else, switch back in, and boom, FPS DROP, the game will then proceed to run at constant 15 FPS for the next 5 minutes, before it will come to its senses, and go back to 55-60 FPS. Another place where the game acts weird for no reason at all is when you use a flashback, you use a flashback, then the game just gets stuck for 2 sec, and you miss your braking point, and off into the wall you go. The game also has this issue during flashbacks, during replays, in the garage .etc, and it’s a fairly common issue.The AI feels a bit unfair to me, and in heavy rain, it still feels like they are driving on rails, they are hardly hindered by the weather. The damage model of AI is also questionable, sometimes they will hit you in the back at 300KPH, and not even their front wing is going to be damaged. Also if the AI feels like you are making the sin of defending to their overtaking attempts, they will not go for a divebomb or try to find a gap, they are seriously going to just straight-up rear-end you and spin you out so that you end up in the tyre wall, and they don’t even get a single scratch on their front wing.Now that the negatives are out of the way, let’s talk about the positives.This game is one of the best F1 games out there, it’s a complete package, the career mode is great, the tracks are highly detailed (although some are unrealistic), the cars sound great, you great audible feedback if you go on a kerb. If you go into a tunnel, you’ll start to have radio connectivity issues, and then you will not be able to hear your engineer, which is a nice touch.The R&D is such a great feature, it’s so satisfying to see your team, which is at the back of the field when the 1st season begins, to be fighting for championships at the end of 3rd season, because of you, they’ve got such a fast car. Not only the R&D is required for performance, but also for durability because if your gearbox has too much wear on it, chances are that it will fail, and each failure will be unique, you could end up missing a gear, or even worse, it could fail completely and you’ll have to retire.The 25% per cent race, is the way to go if you don’t want to spend hours, a typical race then is just 23-25 minutes long, and you still have a good experience. You’ll never get bored with this game if you enjoy this genre, because there is so much happening during a race, that you will be completely immersed, you have to worry about your tyres, you have to worry about the fuel, you have your engineer reminding you of the gaps to the cars ahead and behind, and when to pit. You make a mistake into a turn, then the car behind is in a position to overtake you, you swerve right and left, in an attempt to keep the car behind, they get ahead of you, you then brake late into a corner and retake that position, honestly it is just a very immersive experience.Driving aspect in this game is tailored towards both, casuals and professionals. I’ve tried both Keyboard and a Controller, and both of them are well optimized. The difficulty system of this game is just fantastic, you have so much customizability to set the difficulty to what your pace is. The assists can also be adjusted so that you don’t have to worry about spinning out into the gravel, and just have a fun time playing the game. As it is a simcade, the simulator part of this game is well designed also, as this game can be ruthless if you make a simple mistake like accelerating too early out of the corner with all assists turned off and then it will reward you by spinning your car 360 degree, and that’s how it should be.I’ve now had over 100 hours in this game, and I still play it to this day, something about this game just makes me come back to it often, and start the career mode again and again and again and again...Honestly, even with all its flaws, this game is still awesome, but I’d recommend you to get F1 2020 or wait for F1 2021 instead because those are far more polished and refined than this game.TL;DR: The game is good, has some optimization issues, slightly unfair AI, underwhelming graphics, great career mode, great gameplay, easy to control/hard to master, 8/10 game.

Review by Broyax [user]
May 18, 2019

La F1 devient de plus en plus bizarre, de plus en plus techno-kikoo-lol mais ça, ce n'est pas la faute de ce F1 2018 qui se contente deLa F1 devient de plus en plus bizarre, de plus en plus techno-kikoo-lol mais ça, ce n'est pas la faute de ce F1 2018 qui se contente de restituer les atermoiements du règlement et de ses délires... DRS, ERS ?, parc fermé, 3 ou 4 moteurs pour une saison entière ?... lol ?Le mode carrière est fort bien fait en tout cas et devient assez vite un "jeu" de gestion ! malgré ses quelques errements, car s'il faut tourner comme un fou en essais libres pour développer (et améliorer) la monoplace, on ne gagne pas grand-chose alors que parallèlement, on use ainsi beaucoup plus vite les composants de la voiture ; à l'inverse, si on ne tourne pas trop, on use moins mais on progresse sensiblement moins vite... c'est un cercle vicieux...Quoi qu'il en soit, après avoir baissé au minimum le niveau du plateau, on s'en sort très bien, quelle que soit la façon de jongler avec le développement et ses points de ressource. Bien que ça dépende des circuits et à cet égard, Monaco et Suzuka se révèlent inexpugnables : l'IA est complètement pétée et fonce comme une dingue sur le premier ; quant au second, c'est simplement la bagnole qui se transforme en savonette, même avec les ailerons à fond... de ce point de vue précis, le jeu est foireux.Pareil avec les départs : ils partent comme des boulets de canon, même si on dispose de la pole, de la meilleure bagnole du plateau et tutti quanti. Heureusement, on les remet à leur place assez vite mais putain... tout de même !Les interviews finissent par lasser au bout d'un temps, vu qu'on choisit à dessein les réponses permettant de booster un domaine précis du développement et peu importe ce qu'on raconte finalement... Les renégociations de contrat régulières sont bien faites mais deviennent là aussi de la routine.Le pilotage (on parle d'un jeu Codemasters là...) est dans l'ensemble étonnamment bon et cohérent en dépit de certains soucis de réalisme. Il est étonnant de constater que la caisse part en vrille du cul dans une courbe sans crier gare comme si on venait de rouler sur une plaque de verglas : on dirait un sale bug...D'un autre côté; cela est lié à la maniabiilité parfois très erratique à la manette qui ne propose pas tellement de réglages pour y remédier. On peut limiter les dégâts en poussant la linéarité à 50% mais que la precision est déplorable dans ces grandes courbes ! a contrario pourtant, sur bien des circuits et bien des virages moyens ou plus lents, la maniabilité se révèle satisfaisante. C'est à n 'y rien comprendre.On pourrait aussi parler de la gestion de la motricité, vraiment curieuse... on est bien sur une Formule 1 moderne là ? car si l'aide à la traction est désactivée, on se croirait sur une F1... des années 60 !La réalisation est du reste très soignée, superbe même, avec sa météo dynamique, de la 4K , des temps de chargement réduits et les 60 im/s jamais prises en défaut. Idem pour la partie sonore qui n'appelle aucun reproche.Si l'IA est fonceuse, elle reste globalement assez bien élevée même si parfois, elle peut vous dégager sur les bas-côtés. Mais c'est rare et heureusement, le rembobinage est là.En définitive, F1 2018 est prenant par son système de carrière bien pensé et de bonnes sensations de pilotage mais se révèle aussi très crispant par les réactions parfois aberrantes de la voiture, sans compter la maniabilité décidément encore très perfectible. Les évidentes qualités sont ici impactées par de gros soucis qui rendent le jeu simplement moyen. Ce qui pour un jeu Codemasters est déjà... une sacrée surprise !

Review by cmi30 [user]
April 22, 2019

Really amazing F1 game! Really nice graphics and a very close to reality presentation of the F1 world.Its really a must-have racing game

Review by itsselixio [user]
March 1, 2019

LET OP DIT IS MIJN MENINGhet spel is goed voor wat het is maar, als je een vervolg op een spel maakt moet je het goede van een spel nemenLET OP DIT IS MIJN MENINGhet spel is goed voor wat het is maar, als je een vervolg op een spel maakt moet je het goede van een spel nemen en daarop uitbreiden. ze nemen het goede van het spel maar breiden er niet goed op uit bijvoorbeeld maar 2 nieuwe banen de campaign kan wel leuk zijn maar de gamplay blijft hetzelfde als je f1 2017 en f1 2018 naast elkaar zou zetten zou ik zeggen dat het enige verschil de halo was. natuurlijk verdiep ik mij niet heel erg in f1 maar als je je daar in zou verdiepen zou je denk ik wel wat meer verschilen naast een halo en 2 banen zien.

Review by Kuestvire [user]
January 13, 2019

One of the best racing games I've ever played.Most of my time spent in this game is in multiplayer, which is a lot of fun, and you can useOne of the best racing games I've ever played.Most of my time spent in this game is in multiplayer, which is a lot of fun, and you can use bots in local play unlike with Forza Motorsport 7.I have played quite a bit of the campaign mode in this game however, and i can say it is wonderful, although some things could be improved. My biggest issue is the interviews, there is not enough variety in either questions or answers. Everything else is pretty much fine here.The sound design in this game is fantastic, you can hear everything going on with the car and the team radio really immerses you and makes you feel like you are in the car.The driving is some of the best I've ever played, it is responsive and feels good to push the limits in the corners.Graphics are a bit of a mixed bag here, they aren't bad, but they could be better when compared with other top racing games such as Forza.When playing with friends this game can get very competitive and is be a blast, and when playing campaign i get so immersed that i get mad at the npcs as if they were the real drivers.I wish there were more classic cars in the game, i would love to play as with a full roster of lets say 2006 cars, but you can't. Because there is only one or two cars from the years they have, you lose the intensity and immersion of the normal game by just seeing the same car everywhere on track.A small gripe i have is that it does not put your initials or number on your characters suit, however this is such a small thing it really doesn't matter.This game is definitely worth your time whether you want a multi-player or single-player experience.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento August 24, 2018
Editor Codemasters
Conteúdo Classificado E (Everyone)
Modos de jogo Multiplayer, Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa, Terceira pessoa
Géneros Simulador, Esporte, Corrida
Temas Não-ficção
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One