Genesis Alpha One


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Explore a vast universe in this roguelike, ship building, FPS

Genesis Alpha One mixes thrilling roguelike mechanics with a deep ship builder and fast first-person action, putting you in the role of an interstellar pioneer.

As the Captain of a Genesis starship, you journey into uncharted space on the ultimate mission. Build and manage a space vessel, farm resources, deal with terrifying alien infestations, clone creatures and explore a vast, randomly generated universe.

Your goal: Find new homes for humanity’s DNA and save the species from extinction.


"In a near future ravaged by wars; corrupt regimes and global capitalism left unchecked have resulted in natural resource over-exploitation and pollution devastating the planet. Societies are collapsing. Supported by Earth’s remaining governments, four influential corporations initiate the Genesis program.

As the Captain of a Genesis starship, you journey into uncharted space on the ultimate mission. Build and manage a space vessel, farm resources, deal with terrifying alien infestations, clone creatures and explore a vast, randomly generated universe.

Your goal: Find new homes for humanity’s DNA and save the species from extinction"

Genesis Alpha One Instruções de ativação

Genesis Alpha One Análises e Classificações

Review by emporio2866 [user]
24 April 2021

Genesis Alpha One – тот случай, когда лучше ограничиться просмотром пререндеренных скриншотов!Обнаружил эту поделку в разделе скидок,Genesis Alpha One – тот случай, когда лучше ограничиться просмотром пререндеренных скриншотов!Обнаружил эту поделку в разделе скидок, зашёл на страницу, увидел красивые скрины – интересно.Узнал цену в Аргентине, оказалось, чуть больше сотки – беру!Ожидал графонистый шутан от первого лица наподобие Дум, а получил какую-то невнятную инди-стройку космического корабля, атакуемого инопланетными тварями, которых надо ещё успеть найти и убить, пока этого не сделали боты с отъездом на респаун и опять их назначай на посты в отсеках потом!Стрелять неприятно, нет отдачи, импакт отсутствует.Управление ужасное, движения все дёрганые, камера просто летает по воздуху и не даёт ощущения бега или ходьбы, будто на неповоротливом дроне летаешь с инерцией Марио.Графика днище, по технологичности это уровень PS2 – сглаживания нет, разрешение низкое, будто 720пи, лица квадратные, как и оружие, да как и все остальные предметы интерьера!Обновления графики нет даже для Икса, не говоря уже о Сериесах.Обучение непонятное. Сделай то, сделай это, а как, ну разберёшься сам, копайся в, довольно мерзком, интерфейсе, паренёк.Зачем всё это? Какая разница, просто строй корабль, отбивайся от тварин и чини поломанные ими отсеки… какая же это всё фигня, какой смысл?!Шутера нет, как такового, это кривой, косой и убогий, с вырвиглазной графикой, симулятор Фигаро, который и здесь и там творит дичь, отстреливаясь из пластикового пистолетика.Невероятное по уровню мерзотности дерьмище, не советую никому… ежели раздадут по Голду или Плюсу, не берите, не стоит гадить в библиотеку со своими играми!2 из 10 за наличие русских субтитров, локализованный интерфейс и за то, что игра запускается и работает.PSЯ отдаю себе отчёт, что никакой объективностью в моём отзыве и не пахнет, возможно стоило получше разобраться, дать игре раскрыться, но, согласитесь, довольно сложно заставить себя вникать в проект, не вызывающий ничего, кроме рвотных позывов, поэтому сорян.Есть игры серии Souls, которые также отторгают новичка, только при ознакомлении с ними чувствуется качество продукта и ему хочется дать шанс, перетерпеть, а тут спасёт лишь кнопка «Delete»

Review by FabricioNery [user]
4 January 2021

A very good idea.The fact of managing a large and complex spaceship, where each installation has new tools and opportunities, in addition toA very good idea.The fact of managing a large and complex spaceship, where each installation has new tools and opportunities, in addition to visiting other planes to mine and learn technologies is fantastic. However, visits to the planets are repetitive and without much variation, the stretches of the visited planets are very small and without diversity. In addition to the fact that no matter how many people there are in the crew and if they were alone on the ship, there is no interaction with the other crew members and they completely ignore signs of infestation until the attackers attack, forcing you to always take care of everything alone.A nice idea, but it needs to improve a lot in execution and AI of the other trupulantes.

Review by Seej [user]
10 October 2020

First of all, I received this game on humble choice in August 2020, so I didn't experience the game prior to the patches and bug fixes thatFirst of all, I received this game on humble choice in August 2020, so I didn't experience the game prior to the patches and bug fixes that have obviously fixed a lot of the issues the previous reviews have mentioned. I haven't experienced any crashes or game breaking bugs at all in about 100 hours of play.The game itself is like a series of mini games wrapped up in one fairly neat package. The main objective is to find a suitable planet to colonise, but in order to do so you need to achieve a set of conditions that are determined on a case by case basis for each potential genesis candidate you find.To meet the conditions you will have to gather resources which can be done in a few different ways which keep the game fresh and interesting.On default difficulty the game is quite easy but if you increase the difficulty settings a bit it becomes quite challenging.It's a flawed masterpiece. The various mini games are simple and repetitive but combined keep the game interesting. There really needs to be better documentation on some of the mechanics as it took a bit of learning through trial and error for me to figure out some parts of the game. I'd also like to be able to rename turbo lift floors and beaming stations for convenience. It's exclusively single player but it is really begging for multiplayer and if they ever release a version with online co-op or PVP then I'd sign up to that in a heartbeat.I'm really pleased I found this game. It's definitely got a lot of replayability and I can see myself coming back to it in the future despite having already completed the main cycle several times over.

Review by bladex [user]
8 March 2020

one fuge buggy mess is how i describe this game. when it's not crashing, your crew getting stuck in the harvester or robots getting stuck inone fuge buggy mess is how i describe this game. when it's not crashing, your crew getting stuck in the harvester or robots getting stuck in the refinery making you have to delete and rebuild losing resources and robots it's either having you to constantly sweep every nook and cranny of your ship for infestations this is what you will be doing 90% of the has a decon chamber which is absolutely useless it doesn't stop infestations or aliens hiding in crates from spreading. practically every single thing you do will cause an infestation. refining, using the tractor beam, your robots picking up resources or depositing them, coming back on missions and even planting plants will have a chance to let spores or aliens and eggs spread which once again sends you on cleanup duty!it also gets boring very fast having you do the same tasks over and over again which involves going to a planet, mining, shooting some aliens who spawn nearby and rinse and to recap1. it's buggy as F2. it's boring3. it's monopolousdon't waste your $

Review by umaumai [user]
7 December 2019

This game has a very low user score for Xbox One here and I find that surprising as not many people have left a review. I found this game byThis game has a very low user score for Xbox One here and I find that surprising as not many people have left a review. I found this game by chance looking over the digital “Black Friday” sale and it’s description and subsequent trailer looked interesting. I’d say that the high 60’s Score that the game gets across the board on Metacritic are somewhat fair, but I think a lot of the bugs have been patched after it’s launch. This game is a pure 10 for me. I’m tired of every game being a “Souls” game. Especially the indie games. I’m tired of the “collect all this stuff” massive sandbox games. GAO has a super in-depth spaceship building mechanic that has you searching for materials on planets and in debris/wreckage. While I found this unique it’s so familiar and simple to pick up that it’s my new go to game to zone out and have a good adventure as a space captain. If you are into any of the Sim style games and “space crew management” with “invaders” and your own “clone factory” sounds fun then check this game out. Human models aside, the graphics are good overall. They even boarder on great when you are planet-side and the atmosphere of the game holds up if you are a Sci-Fi fan.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 29 January 2019
Editor Radiation Blue, Team17
Conteúdo Classificado M (Mature)
Modos de jogo Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Terceira pessoa
Géneros Aventura, Role-playing (RPG), Atirador, Indie, Simulador
Temas Ação, Sobrevivência, ficção científica
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One