Lichdom: Battlemage

Conhece alguém que possa ser como este jogo?


Lichdom: O Battlemage é um rodízio em primeira pessoa que dá ao Mage o destaque de uma forma nunca antes vista nos jogos. Com um poder mágico ilimitado à sua disposição e inimigos brutais em cada esquina, a vitória depende de uma combinação de habilidade e estratégia. Deve criar cuidadosamente uma vasta gama de feitiços e aprender a lançá-los no calor do combate.

Vocês são os vossos feitiços! O Lichdom: O sistema de criação de feitiços de batalha oferece uma enorme variedade de personalização. Cada Mage é o produto de magia trabalhada que reflecte o estilo de jogo do indivíduo. Quer prefira atingir os seus inimigos a partir de uma distância segura, entrar em combate e libertar o seu poder à queima-roupa, ou colocar os seus inimigos uns contra os outros, a personalização interminável dos feitiços permite-lhe tornar-se no Mago que deseja ser.

Noções básicas de Artesanato Ortográfico
-Tirar a essência dos seus inimigos caídos e recolher componentes para os seus feitiços
-Sintetizar lotes de saque para produzir itens de maior raridade
-Escolha entre fogo, gelo, ou qualquer uma das 8 categorias de feitiços - cada um com o seu comportamento único
-designar a natureza do feitiço como Ranged, Area of Effect, Point-blank, ou Defensive
-Aplique modificadores e bónus para moldar o resultado para as suas necessidades estratégicas
-Então reune-os no teu arsenal perfeito para te tornares o derradeiro Battlemage!

Pilares de Lichdom: Battlemage
-O primeiro jogo a dar plenos poderes ao Mage
-Feitiçaria profundamente personalizável suporta centenas de horas de jogabilidade repletas de acção
-Conhece o incrível poder do CryEngine para proporcionar uma experiência maravilhosamente violenta
-Beleza dos ambientes e narrativa sem costura proporcionam um pano de fundo rico e convincente
- "Vai sentir tudo". A filosofia central de design de Xaviant proporciona a experiência mais imersiva possível

Lichdom: Battlemage Instruções de ativação

Lichdom: Battlemage Análises e Classificações

Review by Steyraus [user]
May 27, 2021

Picked this up on sale on a whim and was pleasenty surprised by this origional title , with a great mature story and different combat. ThePicked this up on sale on a whim and was pleasenty surprised by this origional title , with a great mature story and different combat. The game could use more control options and desperatly needs a contrast and brightness slider, but aside from that its a blast..Its so anouying that great games like this get so little attention from games media while the corperate and conected triple A titles get non stop coverage to the point its anouying. It no wonder inovation amd origionaluty is so rare in the modern gaming industry. Almost every major FPS feels and control the same as eachother because the devs stick with the controls games journalists didnt complain about.

Review by Professorfett [user]
April 21, 2020

You’re a wizard Harry, but not The Dragon you seriously don’t want to be The Dragon. Why? Because that would mean you are associated withYou’re a wizard Harry, but not The Dragon you seriously don’t want to be The Dragon. Why? Because that would mean you are associated with Lichdom Battlemage, and you want to avoid that like the **** plague or those Nazgul **** from the Harry Potter movies. Hello everyone Brandon here with what quite possibly might be the worst game I’ve played all year. Now I must say this is the console version only I hear decent things about the PC version of Lichdom Battlemage, but Xbox One version can lick my taint. I was thinking 2016 was being a decent year not too many great games so far, but from what I played no piles of **** either. Until now. Let’s see how making you an overpowered mage with fire, ice and psychic powers can be even close to being a piss poor game.The story is of course generic as all hell. You are The Dragon which is a mage who can shoot fire from his hands and it is your job to free the land from this darkness that has been oppressed by this dark magic. Not personal enough for the players? Let the main characters wife/girlfriend get killed and now you have to go out on revenge. Well not only is it cliché to find out you are some “chosen one”, but you need revenge on the mustache twirling bad guy as well. The game doesn’t have a deep nor interesting story in the slightest. It seemed like a bit later in the game they were trying to maybe build it more into an epic, but good Christ I couldn’t care less if what happened to anyone in this game. The story is about as interesting and almost the same one as Arcania Gothic 4 which I reviewed last year and hated that just as bad.The game looks God awful, and with this being a delayed game I’d love to know how. Seriously how the hell do you make an Xbox One game look as if it was an Original Xbox game? I’m not being internet hyperbolic this game looks like a blocky mess, and it is so dark on my bright ass TV I think they did that to hide the ****ty textures. The game doesn’t stop there they said, “Jim we made the game look like ass how can we make it sound like **** as well?” Well they came up with that solution by ****ty voice acting. I think they got the original Resident Evil actors and told them to just try and sound witty.All of this might make for at least a mediocre game if the gameplay was at least fun. Sadly it is boring and a bit confusing. So it is a first person mage game, or the slowest FPS you’ve ever played. Imagine if you played Skyrim in first person and could only use magic spells. Now take away 75% of the spells you’d get in Skyrim, and then make them barely usable. Sounds fun? They kept telling me I could mix spells and make them more powerful, but for the life of me I couldn’t do anything of the sort. I think I leveled up my magic, but I never noticed a difference. Say if you wanted to freeze an enemy with ice then hit him with a fire ball. Well switching between spells is so slow by the time the fireball is ready the enemy is already free. Basically I ended up just sticking with the fire power because it seemed like the only power that did a **** thing. I do admit with my go, go attitude when it comes to tutorials in games I may have missed something, but it is up to the game to at least make the basics of what the game is up front. So if all that isn’t enough the games frame rate is **** It is a jittery mess, and this is noticeable to me a guy who couldn’t tell 30 frames per second to 60. Then the icing on the cake is generic enemies that range from brown blobby cultist (remember bad graphics) to skeletons. I know skeletons oh lord they must’ve been up all night thinking of that starting enemy. I didn’t finish the game so I can say how long it was, but damn I just don’t have time to put into playing **** damn unplayable games.So I know by now you are definitely wondering the score, right? Ha. Let me say if you see this at a garage sale and they will sell it to you for a quarter. You call them a snake oil salesman and go buy yourself a gumball you earned that gumball by avoiding this sack of **** game. I had a frown the entire time playing this game. I give it a 0/5. **** this game, and **** whoever decided that this was a finished product.

Review by ave [user]
July 21, 2018

Well, I sincerely tried several times to give Lichdom Battlemage its chances, but I simply ended up not being excited by it. Maybe it's theWell, I sincerely tried several times to give Lichdom Battlemage its chances, but I simply ended up not being excited by it. Maybe it's the magic / runes system that is too complex to approach and memorize, maybe it's the slugginess of combat, maybe it's the slot-machine feel of rewards, maybe it's the Excel feel of crafting spells... For me its was either : do a turn by turn game ; or make it more like the old Heretic / Hexen. Or maybe I'm just getting to old for this.

Review by osprey [user]
January 25, 2017

I should have listened to the user reviews as they are right about this game being broken. It is a real shame and that is why I am giving it aI should have listened to the user reviews as they are right about this game being broken. It is a real shame and that is why I am giving it a 4 rating as it has potential to be a good game but it is very frustrating that the game won't even accept my log in unless I exit out and reload and sometimes not even then. I have never had this problem with any other game and it is driving me nuts. It also has a very confusing upgrade system and the fact that you can't read the tiny stats adds to the confusion. To explain, I am logged in on my console but the game does not accept that I am logged in and keeps asking me who I am. Ackkkkkkk!!!!!! I tried rebooting my console think it was an Xbox live issue but no, it is the game. You can't even exit out to the main menu, you have to turn off your console and start the game again. I don't know how many times I will be willing to do this so I may be forced to abandon the game.

Review by ZTGD
July 19, 2016

There is no excuse for launching the game the way it was in April, and most gamers have already forgotten about the title entirely. But for those that may stumble upon it on sale somewhere, feel good in knowing that you are picking up a solid, and unique title, that is finally worthy of sitting on a retail shelf.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento August 26, 2014
Editor Xaviant, Maximum Games
Conteúdo Classificado M (Mature)
Modos de jogo Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa
Géneros Role-playing (RPG), Atirador, Indie
Temas Ação, Fantasia
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One