
Conhece alguém que possa ser como este jogo?


Esquadrão é uma experiência militar online, baseada em equipe, onde altos níveis de trabalho em equipe e comunicação são cruciais para o sucesso. Construído desde o início no Unreal Engine 4, o Squad coloca equipas de até 50 pessoas umas contra as outras em cenários de combate de armas combinadas dos dias modernos e intensos. Neste ambiente realista, o fluxo do jogo é ditado pelos jogadores, com a jogabilidade orgânica e emergente a reinar suprema.

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Squad Análises e Classificações

Review by mohannad1 [user]
June 25, 2022

I truly found my favorite game in the entire world. I'm a big battlefield fan and this was the saving grace after the battlefield 2042I truly found my favorite game in the entire world. I'm a big battlefield fan and this was the saving grace after the battlefield 2042 disappointment. This game is amazing highly recommended.

Review by DelugeFPS [user]
October 19, 2021

Let me start by saying that Squad is a trie masterpiece of a game that perfectly captures the feeling it's going for and nails the gameplay asLet me start by saying that Squad is a trie masterpiece of a game that perfectly captures the feeling it's going for and nails the gameplay as hard on the head as it can. Said gameplay being a blend of tactical first person shooter gameplay on top of light-to-moderate MILSIM gameplay, specifically ground infantry MILSIM and not much else. The weapons all sound and feel much like they do in the real world. If you pick up the H&K G3 chambered in 7.62mm NATO (.308) it drops bodies fast and kicks like a mule to a point of making it useless in full auto. Anyone who has ever fired a G3 or FAL in real life knows this is spot on. The sounds, the recoil, the rate of fire, the ballistics and penetration, the attachments, the handling.. it's all there and the gunplay is superbly accurately and sufficiently weighty. Likewise, movement as a foot soldier feels appropriate, you have stamina that drains and replenishes as you exhaust yourself / rest and even at peak speeds you move exactly like a soldier weighed down by 30-60lbs of gear would move.When you reload, it takes a realistic amount of time and if you want to save time you have to discard your old mag outright. Also, yes, there is an actual magazine system. Depending on your gun (LMG / GPMG kits typically only have access to 3 belt boxes while other infantry classes typically have I believe 7 magazines in rotation) you'll have a different number of magazines that show how drained they are by changing colors. If you reload a half empty mag, that half empty mag goes back into your rotation and eventually will get used again.. still half empty. There is no arcade shooter 'ammo pool' system to where every lightning quick competition shooter level reload dumps the remaining rounds in your magazine back into the pool before replenishing. Also from time to time you'll find yourself having to replenish your supplies at designated locations within FOB's or your main base, if supplies permit.The vehicles in this game are exactly where I feel they need to be. You have everything from tanks to APC's to logistics trucks to artillery trucks to helicopters and some more. You don't have gunships, jets or anything like that. I feel for the 50 vs. 50 medium sized battles Squad focuses on those would only serve to break the meta, so the role vehicles fill I feel is quite good right now. Having armor support when taking a point in Invasion can turn the tides, but likewise if you're in a tank don't feel too invincible because a few well placed rockets can end your day. Get used to making use of carriers to get to the frontlines from main base when people on your team inevitably fail to properly spread out and build FOB's as well.I'll state the obvious, this game is based on Project Reality which was a mod for BF2 that had a laughably high amount of development hours put into it over the years. Thus, Squad does not measure up in terms of sheer scale or content, because of course it doesn't. The game has been in early access with a small team behind it for only a few years and based on that I'd say with how many different factions, weapons, maps and vehicles are currently in the game it's in a great place. The gunplay, moment to moment gameplay and visuals are all vastly superior to what you'll find in PR. The graphics may be lacking by some standards, but I quite like them and find the realistic aesthetic they portray works well.Communication is a BIG part of this game, so if you don't have a mic or don't like using one in online games you'd be best off avoiding this game. Not only will you bring down your team and squad, but you'll be quite hindered yourself in multiple different ways. Also if you don't like high downtime between extreme moments of tension, much like in real combat, I'd also advise giving this game a pass. When I said this game accomplishes everything it sets out to do, I MEANT it, and it does so in such an uncompromising way that it'll shrug off people trying to play it like it's CoD or BF so hard that they feel scorned or like they played a bad game. So it's best you avoid Squad and games like it if that describes you.There's so much more I could say about Squad. It certainly isn't a perfect game, but no masterpiece ever really was. The people expecting it to be 100% on par with PR content and scale wise are as naive and foolish as the people expecting this game to play just like BF.. and this also includes the people who expect AAA visuals and next gen graphics from a team this small. The framework / engine of this game has even been used to make other games like the WW1 Beyond the Wire and WW2 Post Scriptum games which I also think very highly of. If you want light MILSIM / tactical FPS gameplay with very low TTK all coming together with limited vehicular assault combined arms over fairly large maps containing medium scale battles encompassing lots of squad on squad engagements where playing your role and communicating win battles, Squad is it.

Review by BeatYourHeadIn [user]
September 18, 2021

Every Chad out there needs to drop the CoD and join the SQUAD, ASAP!Y, Beat!? Glad you asked, dear readers! SQ (if I may) ranks among theEvery Chad out there needs to drop the CoD and join the SQUAD, ASAP!Y, Beat!? Glad you asked, dear readers! SQ (if I may) ranks among the top 5 milsims of all time. Earning a place among the greats, it can stand with square chin thrusting alongside thick-necked America’s Army and powerhouse ARMA. It feels like the true successor to AA, being everything the languid America’s Army: Proving Grounds should have been.Wha’dis game ‘bout, Beat? A lack of lore provides limited context, but it’s safe to say it’s about World War 3. U sure, Beat? Canada is a playable faction. Readers, you know World Peace got flushed down the p-trap when even Canadians pick up rifles to pick off Americans. But there’s plenty SQaction to get excited about.First, a word from Drill SGT HeadIn: All you new recruits, listen up! When you first launch SQ, you will not browse servers! Instead, haul your cherry-new behind to Basic where your will WILL be broken! You will be SHOT AT in the live-fire obstacle course! You will be SHOT in the live-fire obstacle course! You will bandage your own gunshot wounds from the live-fire obstacle course! You will no longer be flummoxed by the phrase “killed in a training exercise!” Then, since a jarhead is most serene while shooting, you will be calmly coached at the rifle range. Then! Since a jarhead is most annoyed when bullets are in boxes and not in bodies, you will be harangued while hauling ammo during Logistics Training! You will shoot-n-scoot against 6 Guantanamo guests flown in especially for your educational benefit! If you’re still alive after they’re dead, you will deploy C4 that will both destroy their base and install the mass grave needed for cleaning up! Get that shovel to work!Dismissed, Sergeant! Readers, JAG is willing to ignore that little killing spree, Genevashmemeva; just sign your soul away on the dotted line. Congrats, all ur life r belong to SQ now. But fear not: SQlife is good!SQ is rooted in a Battlefield mod, Project Reality, and deposits in the design room dustbin the standard BF formula that has been copypasta ad nauseam into shooters innumerable. There is a fresh take on many aspects of SQ’s structure. The Nice List starts with pacing.The flow of that tutorial, from intense to slow then redlining at genocidal, is a microcosm of SQ’s typical pace: a frantic rush to build forward bases yielding to a lull, until enemy contact climaxes in an orgy of faithfully simulated gun-violence—a horrific chopper crash or three thrown in for good measure—cycling through it all again for the next objective. These vacillations are the result of large 50v50 teams creeping forward from one victory to the next on maps whose sizes average an order of magnitude larger than the thiccest Battlefield maps. This flow is maintained by the server if the population drops too low to support sensible play on full-size maps: the game-mode (aka Layer) for the next map in rotation changes to Skirmish, a layer that offers a slice of SQlife and features BF-sized cutouts of maps and adjusted rules. This server-side magic tends encourage the remaining players to stick around and not simply bail in search of bloodier bloodbaths.The innovation continues with Fog of War. Special love given to FoW results in interesting effects on multiple systems:1) Foggy Tickets: the BF-birthed Tickets are here, with a distinction: FoW prevents you from knowing how many the enemy team has left. This ignorance kicks the endgame ferocity up to utterly insane levels of tension. You don’t GG or qq on 3 tickets; you fight to the last man! For all you know, 3 tickets is the margin of victory. Sit back on your 100 Ticket laurels? OPFOR might be leading by twice that amount. Objective captures provide morale-boosting batches of bonus tickets typically needed after costly offensives. BlackHawkDown-esque preciousness is bestowed on blue lives and adds a strategic imperative to the medic class, who prevent ticket decay by reviving fallen mates while preaching salvation for lost souls in voicechat like an Army Ranger in Mogadishu. Thus do SQ’s faithful healers embody the sacred medic motto: Smoke Grenades and Semper Fidelis.2) Foggy Flags: several Layers feature randomized OBJ hidden from one or both teams. In Destruction and Invasion, only the defenders know the layout of the OBJs—information the attackers have to pry from cold dead hands—and have bonus time before the match to prepare defenses accordingly. In Random Advance and Secure (RAAS) the flag lattice...(link removed per site policy)

Review by Humpster [user]
February 20, 2021

Found this by accident browsing Steam found it ad a great price on a key only site and took a punt and was very pleased/ Graphics are far fromFound this by accident browsing Steam found it ad a great price on a key only site and took a punt and was very pleased/ Graphics are far from the best but more than passable and in general suit the needs well. This is no run and gun or Rambo style game where one person can win solo. Sound effects are very good as is the VOIP built into the game so you don't need Discord or TS.Minor gripes are very rigid weapon load-outs and no customisation options. Overall if you work within a team you will have fun, if you don't it will be a short lived experience. With version 2 due out in the near future it can only improve further.

Review by btimbit [user]
December 11, 2020

Probably the best multiplayer shooter of the last 10 years but sadly it is let down by some very puzzling decisions by inexperienced devs.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento September 23, 2020
Editor Offworld Industries
Modos de jogo Multiplayer
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa
Géneros Atirador, Indie, Simulador, Táctica, Estratégia
Temas Ação, Guerra
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows)