The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna


Conhece alguém que possa ser como este jogo?


Esta importante expansión consta de cuatro episodios que llevan a los jugadores experimentados a través de algunos de los puzles más avanzados y desafiantes hasta la fecha. Los guionistas de The Talos Principle, Tom Jubert y Jonas Kyratzes, han vuelto para escribir la expansión y mostrar a los jugadores un lado completamente diferente del mundo de Elohim a través de un viaje a Gehenna lleno de nuevos personajes y una nueva sociedad con su propia historia y filosofía.


El Principio Talos: Road to Gehenna sigue la narración de Uriel, el mensajero de Elohim, mientras explora una parte extraña y oculta de la simulación en una misión de misericordia y redención en un intento de liberar las almas de los condenados a toda costa.

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The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna Análises e Classificações

Review by gracjanski [user]
26 de febrero de 2018

It is a good DLC with few hours of play time, so I can recommend it to play it.The puzzles starts already difficult, which is good in myIt is a good DLC with few hours of play time, so I can recommend it to play it.The puzzles starts already difficult, which is good in my view.The graphic is great, but there are only few new textures and models. So in the core you will see the same setting again, what is not enough for an expansion.The story is interesting, because a forum in a network is the center. And there are not only some funny ideas but the atmosphere of the society is well written. But on the other side this presentation is too boring. There is no intro or outro like in the main game. So as a result, this is not enough for an expansion.Overall nice DLC.

Review by TitaniumDragon [user]
10 de agosto de 2016

As the expansion to The Talos Principle, my review on that game is worth referencing before you even consider the DLC; this DLC, while it is independent of the main game, assumes that the player has played the original game.The events of the game take place after the end of the original game. Uriel, one of Elohim’s messengers, is tasked to go to Gehenna, a place where Elohim banished all the AI processes who didn’t follow his orders. This is the total sum of your interaction with Elohim; he speaks a few lines at the beginning and a few lines at the very, very end, but he receives no real additional characterization or focus.Instead, this game focuses on the AI processes who are banished to Gehenna. The only way to interact with them is via their message boards, which they’ve set up on the terminals in Gehenna. As you free the various AI processes, you get more messages to read and possibly respond to on the boards, and uncover the secret of Gehenna.Except that the secret is pretty obvious from the get-go – Gehenna is like any other internet community, and the game sort of centers around the situational irony/humor of reading a bunch of people in a community talking to each other on a messageboard, with its own internal rivalries and characters and such.The problem is, this just isn’t very engrossing – your interactions with most of the characters is fairly sporadic, and there are 17 AI processes (plus Uriel himself) whom you interact with. The result is that none of them are particularly well-characterized, and while it works okay, I was not left caring about almost any of the characters. Honestly, only MrMulciber ended up seeming all that interesting, and while Admin was in principle interesting, in practice he is simply not developed well enough over the course of the game, nor does he exhibit the sort of personality you saw out of the Milton Library Assistant in the first game.Moreover, because it is extremely obvious from early on what is going on, the game is basically entirely lacking in any sort of mystery or discovery. In the first game, you gradually uncover what is going on, as well as what your purpose is and why you are doing the things you’re doing, and what the purpose of the world is. Here, you hold all the answers from the beginning of the game, and over the course of the game you can comfort others as you free them (via the messageboard terminals; you cannot directly interact with anyone).As a result of this, the game does not feel like it has anywhere near the same weight as the original game; the frame story is only mildly interesting and lacks the same sense of discovery or accomplishment, and there’s no mystery how it is all going to end. Indeed, the ending is extremely bare bones and weightless; there’s no final set of interactions with the NPCs before ascension to sum everything up, nor is there a particularly interesting or in-depth discussion with Admin in the same vein as what you got out of Milton. You don’t really care about Admin, who is the only character you have any meaningful choice with, and even that choice feels weightless because you just don’t care about him, and the whole ending only barely changes, with a few different words being spoken.That being said, while this game’s story is weak, the puzzles here are actually quite good. As noted in my review of the original game, The Talos Principle seems like it runs out of ideas halfway through, then actually starts doing interesting things with puzzles again at the end. The Road to Gehenna proves that they actually had lots more interesting ideas for puzzles, as all of the puzzles in Road to Gehenna are fresh and interesting uses of the pieces from the original game. The puzzles in this are pretty thinky, and most of them don’t actually take that long to complete, unlike the long marathon puzzles which appeared at some points in the first game. Instead, they require you to use a few parts in a clever way. It is all about thinking about the puzzle pieces in new ways, and coming up with clever ways to solve puzzles which seemingly give you one fewer piece than they should. They also encourage you to abuse the level design in order to succeed, in ways that the original game mostly reserved for star puzzles.There are 16 main puzzles, plus 16 star puzzles and 8 bonus puzzles, all of which are decent enough.That being said, the puzzles aren’t perfect; while most of the star puzzles are better than the ones in the original game insofar that you can see the stars and the trick is figuring out how to get there, there still are a few hidden stars which basically constitute “run around searching for someplace that might have a star hidden in it.” There are, however, fewer such puzzles.In the end, if you liked the puzzles in The Talos Principle, and want more of them, this DLC is for you.If it was the plot/setting that attracted you, however, this expansion is lacking.

Review by sinadoom [user]
16 de enero de 2016

This DLC is worth getting if you enjoyed the main game, but found the puzzles to be a bit trivial. It has 5 worlds (to see the last, you haveThis DLC is worth getting if you enjoyed the main game, but found the puzzles to be a bit trivial. It has 5 worlds (to see the last, you have to get all the stars and the puzzles are significantly more difficult than any other puzzles in the game) with plenty of interesting puzzles. It's not just "more of the same" because although there are no new additions to your puzzle-solving arsenal, there is a deeper exploration of the mechanics. The story is even more text-based though, to the point where if you aren't interacting with the terminal then there really is no story at all. It's based around a community forum and is really well-implemented; though a bit too dry on the story front - everything's disconnected and there's not much interaction with other "characters".If you want more story, look elsewhere. If you just want a DLC that really brings out the best in the game's mechanics, this is a must-have. Also has a decent soundtrack as with the main game, and a few secrets.

Review by Pelit (Finland)
9 de septiembre de 2015

Takes the puzzle mechanics of the base game to a whole new level and offers an intriguing side story to boot. With Road to Gehenna, The Talos Principle may just have become the best of its genre.

Review by Gnawer [user]
3 de septiembre de 2015

Excellent expansion. Adds more puzzles with same elements, plus they clearly considered feedback from the main game and built accordingly.Excellent expansion. Adds more puzzles with same elements, plus they clearly considered feedback from the main game and built accordingly. Background story (things you read in the computers) is way lighter and funnier, which I appreciated.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento 23 de julio de 2015
Editor Croteam, Devolver Digital
Avaliação Total 87%
Conteúdo Classificado E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Modos de jogo Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa, Terceira pessoa, Realidade Virtual
Géneros Aventura, Indie, Puzzle
Temas Ação, ficção científica
Plataformas Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac