Jogo dos pais: Two Worlds II
Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress

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As parcelas dentro de parcelas e esquemas dentro de esquemas devolvem a tripulação da Ira Errante à desconfiança e ao motim total, e tudo isto enquanto as vidas dos inocentes das ilhas permanecem perigosamente penduradas na balança. O notório capitão do navio é um homem tão cruel e vil, que se diz ter nascido sem alma. No entanto, é muitas vezes verdade, no obscuro subúrbio dos mares ásperos, que as coisas nem sempre são o que parecem. O capitão Ed Teal recruta o herói da história para um recado pessoal, um recado que alegadamente não está ligado ao tesouro, mas sim para o reconectar com o seu amor perdido; uma donzela isolada e hermética com o nome de Maren, que se diz habitar nas ilhas. Os olhos não convidados estão sempre atentos onde há fama e fortuna a ter. O segundo e terceiro no comando da Wrath Wrath errante, Cutter e Nicky Nails, têm agenda própria. A confiança é a mais rara de todas as moedas, e nenhuma será encontrada por aqueles que não querem derramar um pouco da sua própria... ou alguns baldes de sangue.

Piratas da Fortaleza Voadora introduz mais do que uma quantidade suficiente de novos elementos de jogo. Para além de um arquipélago cheio de nova vegetação no qual os jogadores podem atravessar a pé, a cavalo, navegando no seu próprio barco ou mesmo nadando, há também novas regatas e patrões que espreitam nas profundezas das ilhas inexploradas. Brilhantemente temperadas com novas cut-scenes deslumbrantes, as 12+ horas das principais missões esperam o jogador, permeadas de reviravoltas e surpresas a cada decisão. Dezenas de novas armas, incluindo a besta, poções permanentes e novos acessórios de armadura para aumentar as estatísticas do herói, armadura de cavalo eficaz, bem como novas técnicas de luta, proporcionarão o meio perfeito para obter uma experiência totalmente nova no mundo de Antaloor. Emocionantes sequências de vídeo no jogo, criadas com novas técnicas de animação e novos efeitos climáticos como chuva e tempestades; até mesmo veteranos experientes de "Dois Mundos" obterão o seu dinheiro! Em "Piratas da Fortaleza Voadora", o mundo arquipélago é estreado numa apresentação mais realista e convincente do que nunca, graças aos ataques às plantas, à fauna realista e aos novos efeitos das partículas atmosféricas. O mesmo se aplica à história, que é levada para a frente com animações cinematográficas, cortes de cena elaborados e diálogos surpreendentemente programados. E finalmente, os quatro mapas de aventura multijogador adicionais concedem aos jogadores entretenimento cooperativo a longo prazo.

Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress Instruções de ativação

Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress Análises e Classificações

Review by sweet [user]
September 5, 2015

I read the review of CoolDadTx, and while I think a lot of his complaints are valid, I don't see them as terribly as he does. It makes senseI read the review of CoolDadTx, and while I think a lot of his complaints are valid, I don't see them as terribly as he does. It makes sense to me that there was a fairly broad mix of enemies, and that taking out the mages and ranged enemies first is a logical tactic. Tactical positioning and timing is important, knowing when to use special moves matter, having retreat avenues or preparing beforehand matters. This game is a long way from being the worst I've played combat wise, it forces you to think tactically rather than button mash.I like games where you can roam around and explore, there's plenty of unique and interesting quests, and the characters have well... character, and this game provides that. It doesn't take itself too seriously, provides plenty of humor, and the ending was satisfying. It's not without its problems, and there are many minor annoyances, but overall it was a good experience.

Review by TiesTorN [user]
February 23, 2014

Better in every aspect compared to the original game... Eveything has been improved like voice actors, graphics, new effects & weathers etc. ABetter in every aspect compared to the original game... Eveything has been improved like voice actors, graphics, new effects & weathers etc. A more refined game than the original.

Review by CoolDadTx [user]
January 8, 2014

The expansion should have added to the experience but beyond the good story it did nothing but take what was good in TW2 and mess it up.The expansion should have added to the experience but beyond the good story it did nothing but take what was good in TW2 and mess it up. Let's start with the enemies. Almost everyone is either a mage or range specialist. The range specialists do a tremendous amount of dmg and you're generally surrounded by 2 or 3 of them in addition to melee. The mages are even worse because they basically start spawning in enemies and never stop until you kill them. The result is that you have to quickly find the mage and kill them while avoiding the increasing enemy count and range specialists. It would be fine if it wasn't every battle...Even worse is that strategy got thrown out the window. In TW2 you could sneak up on an enemy and kill them. In the expansion I wasn't able to sneak up on anyone. In fact if I got within range of a bow they immediately knew where I was at. This is the (few) times that you actually see the enemies. The expansion has almost every group of enemy spawn around you when you enter a new area. Get to a crossing in the path, enemies spawn in. Walk down a ravine, more enemies spawn in. It isn't like these are ghosts or anything. All the enemies do it with predictable frequency. The enemy counts have gone up, the amount of dmg they can take and dish out has gone up and they always spawn surrounding you. Combat went from fun to boring because it was repetitive and unbalanced.The expansion introduced a boat but the only purpose of using it is to get from one plot area to another. Once there then the teleports were available. It is really nothing more than a gimmick.The only redeeming quality of this expansion was the story.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
January 20, 2012

Entertaining and imaginative add-on to popular fantasy RPG offers gripping story line, attractive quests and characters together with free roaming over land and sea.

Review by CD-Action
November 29, 2011

The essence of good old Gothic-style RPG: a neat story, a lot of new enemies and of course all the features that made Two Worlds II enjoyable, including interesting crafting and character development systems. If you liked Two Worlds II, you will like the add-on even more.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento September 20, 2011
Editor TopWare Interactive, Reality Pump Studios
Conteúdo Classificado T (Teen)
Modos de jogo Multiplayer, Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Terceira pessoa
Géneros Role-playing (RPG)
Temas Ação, Fantasia
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac