Zeno Clash

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A inovadora mecânica de combate próximo é também um desvio da acção tradicional no género de primeira pessoa que se sentirá fresca tanto para os jogadores novos como para os veteranos.

Zeno Clash está situado no mundo de fantasia punk de Zenozoik, uma terra de lugares exóticos e criaturas bizarras. Os jogadores assumem o papel de Ghat, um homem banido pela sua própria família e forçado a iniciar uma viagem desesperada pela sobrevivência através do deserto proibido e até ao fim do mundo.

Zeno Clash Instruções de ativação

Zeno Clash Análises e Classificações

Review by Nosleinad [user]
December 10, 2012

Awesome game, nice graphics, animation, combat and history. The only Flaw is that its too short, but hey, it was made by a small developer whoAwesome game, nice graphics, animation, combat and history. The only Flaw is that its too short, but hey, it was made by a small developer who just proved its potential and its already making Zeno Clash 2, that will have n open world and RPG elements. Its a great buy for its price!!

Review by JasonPWalker [user]
October 25, 2012

This game was surprisingly incredible, and that's saying something. After a few videos of interesting combat and questionableThis game was surprisingly incredible, and that's saying something. After a few videos of interesting combat and questionable character/overall world designs from screenshots, I had no idea what I was getting into, but I can say without a doubt, that I don't regret buying this title whatsoever. Without spoiling the story, I'll say this: it's based on a great premise of originality that we hardly see nowadays, much less an actual story at all, which is one of the main elements that kept me going throughout its long and difficult journey. The combat is amazingly fun and fluid; you punch and kick the living hell out of these awfully disgusting creatures, which is definitely a welcome change to the generic FPS formula, though, it does have some newly designed guns and grenades for you to toy around with, they're not quite as satisfying as the brawling combat system, but still differentiate themselves from any other random FPS title, though there are a couple of blunt weapons which are somewhat interesting to use, being the only things you can use to even damage tougher enemies, still, none of these things could could even come close to that of the innovative and expertly crafted brawling system. The voice acting among most of the characters, especially that of the protagonist and his companion(s), could have been implemented more thoroughly, but that doesn't detract from the game's overall charm whatsoever. Plus, if you want to get more out of it once you finish the short, yet enjoyable story, the game also offers its own Tower of Challenges along with a plentiful list of achievements to keep you throwing punches and landing counter-kicks. And all of this, including the fact that it's only $10, makes the game worth every penny, I highly recommend buying this amazing indie title.

Review by JamesP [user]
April 25, 2009

To be frank...this is pretty poor. I don't know whether any of you ever played those old Half life 1 games using the old engine, but To be frank...this is pretty poor. I don't know whether any of you ever played those old Half life 1 games using the old engine, but this felt like a mod fit for the first half life, not the source engine. This thing looks lovely, honestly lovely, but it's not that great. It's not really about melee, it's a hype. Whenever I could I would pick up a gun and shoot whatever was comming toward me, because melee combat in FPS is really borring, it's always been best suited to Third Person in a 3D game. This isn't "Dark Messiah", the melee is borring and repretitive, Id you want a game where you can stab things, punch things and really play with the source engine in melee, really do funny things to your enemies in big beautiful environments with swords and armour and a little RPG thrown in for good measure, without taking away from the fantastic 3PS sword plat, but "Dark Messiah: Of Might and Magic". Zeno Clash is a lovely looking universe, the story was novel, but it's been done. Don't get me wrong I loved the steam punk universe with all the crazy modelling, but the gameplay is flaccid. Here's the krutch guys, it's source, and you don't play with the environment, you don't do silly things with physics and the funniest thing is, you can't jump. Thats right, there is no jumping in Zeno Clash. For your enemies? Sure go for it. Not you. This is linear, linear, linear. To give you an idea of how linear, "The Ultimate Doom" is less linear. That game was made in 1993. This game was made in 2009. If you want a good punchem-up now, go back and get a Sega Megadrive emulator, now, find a copy of "Streets of Rage". Enjoy it. If you want weapons and swords and a gorgeous source powered universe, buy "Dark Messiah". If you want a good shooter, buy "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare". To cap it, this is one time play through of a game that takes half an hour to complete on medium difficulty. Why won't I play it on hard now? Because I know the end of the story, it was rubbish. The only thing that kept me in was because "somehow" through this bad 1995 "Star Wars, Dark Forces" 'don't jump' gameplay, was a storyworld that was compelling. Do I want to play the game again now the story is over? No. Waist of my £11, I will never play this game again.

Review by FacelordG [user]
April 23, 2009

One of the best games ever made, this game is an absolute must-have for any PC gamer. I absolutely love this game, and I'm sure anyone One of the best games ever made, this game is an absolute must-have for any PC gamer. I absolutely love this game, and I'm sure anyone else who plays this game all the way through would admit that this is one of the most original games ever made(if not, THE most). Artistically, this game isn't comparable to many games. The art style is so much different from anything else on the market that it's arguably as artsy as games get in the visual sense, but when you consider the story and the amazing cinematic feel of it all you can easily see that there's more to it than pretty visuals and an amazingly realized world. I would compare this to Final Fantasy 9 for holding a special place in my heart, but this game is shrewdly mature(not in an M-rated sense, either). This game is appropriate for teenagers, but adults and older teens might get the most out of the deep story, with its twists and turns, mature plot(I'm gonna compare it to The Watchmen in some regards, and Pan's Labyrinth in others), and beautiful execution. This is my favorite video game at this point in time.

Review by AceGamez

Zeno Clash is a sterling example of how to make a game. Graphics, sound and gameplay merge perfectly to make this more of an experience than just a game.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento April 21, 2009
Editor Iceberg Interactive, Tripwire Interactive, Atlus, ACE Team
Conteúdo Classificado T (Teen)
Modos de jogo Jogador único
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa
Géneros Atirador, Indie, Luta, Hack and slash/Beat 'em cima
Temas Ação, Fantasia
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox 360