Zeno Clash II

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Ghat's story is far from over: Zeno Clash 2 picks up where the deliciously brazen first game left off. After 4 years of waiting, the sequel to the surreal first-person brawler brings more variety in combat and levels, and even more bizarre storytelling into the beguiling world of Zenozoik. Join forces with your former foe Rimat and battle against scores of angry denizens, preventing their dastardly machinations from being realized.

Zeno Clash 2 welcomes new players to the Zeno Clash universe with a new game that will bring them into the universe and fill them in on the backstory. Returning players will delight in the connections between the new settings and the first adventure. All players will thoroughly enjoy playing a first-person brawler that provides a rarity in modern gaming: a truly unique experience.

Zeno Clash 2 has beefed up its combat engine with precision punch targeting, blocking, and high-impact hits that only make the bone-crunching, face-rattling fistcuffs more satisfying. The new "Lock-on" function gives players a wider range of control for dishing out the damage. New RPG mechanics will allow Ghat and Rimat to punch harder, defend better, and recruit more powerful allies to aid in their quest. Zeno Clash 2 now harnesses the full power of the Unreal III engine to bring the bizarre and beautiful world of Zenozoik to life. ACE Team's boundless imagination brings gamers into a universe of surreal foes, fantastic locations, and truly unique visuals that is unlike anything else you will ever play. With the newly added drop-in/drop-out co-op play, Zeno Clash 2 invites you AND a friend to dive once more into the fray!

Zeno Clash II Instruções de ativação

Zeno Clash II Análises e Classificações

Review by UntoldAv3nGer [user]
August 8, 2013

What am I doing? Why am I doing this? These are questions I asked myself during Zeno Clash 2. It is truly a wonderful and unique experience,What am I doing? Why am I doing this? These are questions I asked myself during Zeno Clash 2. It is truly a wonderful and unique experience, and a beautiful game. I liked the combat flow but the story was very hard to follow and the game is short, length-wise (I got to 8 hours). Characters are neat and very inventive. The settings (my favorite is Rath-Bird Fields) look like Dr. Seuss places. Very interesting. There are guns and grenades plus a hammer to hit with. I never used the grenades. Some parts of the game are completely hard. Like I was in the End-World and I didn't know what to do at all. You have to shoot stuff at the sun, use green gas to connect orbs, light candles with moving spheres-- it's all extremely weird and hard without a Walkthrough (recommend GameSpot's). It gets pretty intense. I loved punching enemies off of cliffs and stuff. The guns are unlike the ones in a modern fps game. Pistols have no more than 12 bullets. A shotgun would surprise me if it had that much. The missions are a hit or miss. I was sometimes stuck not knowing whether to go to the cave or the End-World, canyon, or both. Some glitches here and there (I could see through protagonist's shoulder when he swung a hammer at a bird). Boss battles are a hit or miss. Sometimes very hard, sometimes easy. In the final boss battle I couldn't really tell what was going on. There are a lot of combat-combos. I can never memorize them all in games. Sometimes I just marveled at the developer's creativity. Like seriously, if there was a creativity award it would go to the Zeno Clash series. Birds hooked to a string used as beacons for fast travel? That's pretty cool. Overall an 8, this is the most amazing world I have ever experienced in a game.

Review by kastr0 [user]
July 21, 2013

Really unique game, and a helluva good time if you know what you're doing. It seems like a lot of "professional" critics couldn't figure outReally unique game, and a helluva good time if you know what you're doing. It seems like a lot of "professional" critics couldn't figure out how to string along a decent combo and use the space to move around, i.e. sucked at the game and got mad, subsequently punishing the game for actually requiring a neuron or two to generate a spark by giving them an "OK" score. This game is far from OK. This game is symbolic of the unperturbed vision an artist conceives. It represents the hard work and dedication of artists trusting in the purity of that vision and following through on it.What you get is an incredibly fun, simple game with a decent amount of depth, and amazing ambience, all for 20 bucks. Oh and I forgot to mention, it's open world. A simple open world, but still breathtaking in places, with plenty of little nooks and crannys to hide things.Be warned, the game is a trip

Review by Polygon
June 7, 2013

Zeno Clash 2 is frustrating in its failure to capitalize on its own potential. It crafts a wonderful, weird, engaging world but wastes most of your time in it.

Review by DarkStation
May 13, 2013

Zeno Clash II has that unique quality about its world and combat that the first game possessed but it’s polish that is sorely lacking from the overall package.

Review by IncGamers
May 7, 2013

An expansion of Zeno Clash’s fantastical world and inhabitants, at the cost of some of the original game’s brutal tactility in combat.

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Informações sobre o jogo
Data de lançamento April 30, 2013
Editor ACE Team, Atlus
Conteúdo Classificado T (Teen)
Modos de jogo Jogador único, Multiplayer, Cooperativa
Perspectivas do jogador Primeira pessoa
Géneros Atirador, Indie, Luta, Hack and slash/Beat 'em cima
Temas Ação
Plataformas PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360